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How To Get Over A Relationship Breakup

ByBusinessmatters Staff | Updated: Apr 1, 2024
ByBusinessmatters Staff
Updated: Apr 1, 2024
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Navigating the stormy seas of a breakup is tough, no sugarcoating it. But instead of diving headfirst into a pint of ice cream and a Netflix binge, let's talk about some healthier ways to mend that broken heart. Remember, while there's no magic wand to wave away the pain, taking positive steps forward can help you find your footing again.

01. Time to Grieve
Time to Grieve
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Feeling blue after a breakup? Normal. Permit yourself to feel all the feels—anger, sadness, you name it. Jotting down your thoughts or venting to a friend can help. Just steer clear of sending those heartfelt letters to your ex. Sometimes, pen to paper is just for you.


02. Get Busy Living
Get Busy Living
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Don’t let heartbreak put you on the sidelines. Jump back into life by saying yes to new experiences. Whether it's reconnecting with old friends or trying something out of your comfort zone, these distractions can be surprisingly healing. It’s about making lemonade when life hands you lemons.


03. Dive Into Your Passions
Dive Into Your Passions
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Now’s the moment to indulge in all the things that make your heart sing. Ever wanted to spend the day lost in a book or hiking through nature? Being single means you’ve got the freedom to do just that, no compromises needed.


04. Get a New Hobbies
Get a New Hobbies
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Why not use this time to discover a new passion? That pottery class or language course you’ve been eyeing up? Go for it. Engaging in new activities is not only a great distraction but might just lead you to a newfound passion.


05. Vacation Mode: Activated
Vacation Mode: Activated
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Sometimes, a change of scenery is the best medicine. Whether it’s a solo adventure, a trip with pals, or a family getaway, taking a break from your everyday surroundings can offer a fresh perspective and a much-needed respite from breakup blues.


06. No Ringy-Dingy to the Ex
No Ringy-Dingy to the Ex
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Resist the urge to text or stalk your ex on social media. It’s time for a clean break. Keeping tabs on them won’t help you heal. Instead, focus on moving forward. And remember, staying friends is only cool if you’re both genuinely on board.


07. Freshen Up Your Space
Freshen Up Your Space
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Out with the old, in with the new—starting with your living space. Clearing out reminders of your ex can be incredibly liberating. A new plant, rearranging the furniture, or even a full-on Marie Kondo session can do wonders for your well-being.


08. Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
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Now more than ever, pampering yourself isn’t just allowed; it’s encouraged. Whether that’s a spa day, chilling with a good movie, or treating yourself to something special, make your happiness a priority. Just remember, ice cream is a treat, not a treatment.


09. Practice mindfulness
Practice mindfulness
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Mindfulness can be a beacon of calm in the emotional storm post-breakup. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, or simply taking a moment to breathe and be present, finding peace within yourself is key. It’s all about discovering what keeps you centered and sticking with it.


10. The Great Rediscovery
The Great Rediscovery
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Breakups, as brutal as they can be, offer a silver lining: the chance to rediscover or reinvent yourself. It’s the perfect time to reassess where you’re headed and make choices that truly resonate with you. Embrace the journey of finding yourself again, one step at a time.


The Final Words
The Final Words

While breakups might feel like the end of the world, they’re also a beginning— a door opening to new adventures, self-discovery, and ultimately, healing. By embracing your feelings, seeking out new experiences, and focusing on self-care, you set the stage for the next, even brighter chapter of your life. Ready to turn the page?


