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Streamline Your Move: Top Packing Techniques That Save Time

ByBusinessmatters Staff | Updated: Apr 15, 2024
ByBusinessmatters Staff
Updated: Apr 15, 2024
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Moving to a new home can spark excitement and a bit of anxiety, especially when faced with the daunting task of packing. Whether you're moving across the street or across the country, the prospect of boxing up your entire life can be overwhelming. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can make the process smoother and safeguard your possessions—and your sanity.

01. Start with Storage
Start with Storage
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The best way to begin packing is to tackle items you don't use daily. Start with your storage areas—think attics, basements, or closets. Focus on holiday decorations, off-season clothing, and other seldom-used items. Pack these goods securely, label them clearly, and discard anything that no longer serves you. Marking boxes as you complete them can also help streamline the process, ensuring everything is ready to go when moving day arrives.


02. Get Real About What You Need
Get Real About What You Need
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It’s easy to accumulate stuff, but moving is a perfect time to declutter. As you pack, consider whether you truly need each item. A good rule of thumb is to let go of anything you haven’t used in over a year. Look into donating these items to places like Goodwill or post them on neighborhood groups or freecycle networks to find them new homes.


03. Collect Free Boxes
Collect Free Boxes
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Moving expenses can add up quickly, but you can cut costs by finding free boxes. Start saving your delivery boxes and ask friends and family to collect some for you too. Local businesses, such as grocery stores, bookstores, and hospitals, often have sturdy boxes available just for the asking. Online marketplaces and community groups are also good resources for free moving supplies.


04. Label Boxes with Their Destination
Label Boxes with Their Destination
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Organize your packing by room to simplify both packing and unpacking. Label each box with the name of the room it's destined for. This practice helps movers or friends quickly place boxes in the correct rooms, making it easier for you to unpack essentials like your coffeemaker or bedding when you arrive at your new home.


05. Use Luggage to Carry Items
Use Luggage to Carry Items
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Don’t overlook your suitcases and backpacks; they make excellent moving containers. Suitcases are ideal for heavy, bulky items like books and kitchenware, while backpacks can be used for smaller, delicate items. This not only maximizes your luggage use but also makes transporting these items more manageable.


06. Watch the Weight
Watch the Weight
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While it might be tempting to pack as much as possible into each box, be mindful of their weight. Heavy items like books should go in small boxes to keep them manageable. Conversely, lighter items can be packed in larger boxes. This balance will help prevent injuries and make moving boxes much easier.


07. Follow Packing Best Practices
Follow Packing Best Practices
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For each box you pack, start with the heaviest items on the bottom and layer up to the lightest on top. Use sturdy, square items to create a solid base and fill in any gaps with smaller, irregularly shaped items. This technique helps stabilize the box and makes the best use of space.


08. Hold Fragile Items in Place
Hold Fragile Items in Place
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Fragile items require extra care. Wrap them individually in bubble wrap or newspaper, and fill any gaps in the boxes with additional cushioning materials like packing peanuts or more bubble wrap. Make sure these boxes are clearly labeled as "fragile" to ensure they're handled with care during the move.


09. Line Up Help in Advance
Line Up Help in Advance
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Unless you’re a minimalist, you’ll likely need some help moving. If you’re hiring professional movers, get quotes and book early. If you're enlisting friends, set a date and plan for refreshments. Communicate your plans clearly and remind everyone as the day approaches to ensure you have the help you need.


10. Pack a First-Day Bag
Pack a First-Day Bag
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Prepare a first-day bag with essentials you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. Include toiletries, a change of clothes, basic tools, snacks, and cleaning supplies. Having these items easily accessible will relieve stress and help you settle in more comfortably.


11. Create Your Own Packing Materials
Create Your Own Packing Materials
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Instead of buying packing materials, use what you have around your home. Old newspapers, towels, and even clothing can serve as excellent padding for fragile items. This approach not only saves money but also is kinder to the environment.


12. Have an "Open First" Box
Have an "Open First" Box
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Designate one box as your "open first" box. Fill it with essentials like bedding, a few dishes, utensils, and personal items like your laptop and chargers. This box should be the last loaded and the first unloaded, making your first night in your new home as comfortable as possible.


13. Label the Side of Your Boxes
Label the Side of Your Boxes
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When labeling your boxes, mark the sides instead of the tops. This small change makes it easier to identify the contents of each box, even when they're stacked, speeding up both the moving and unpacking processes.


14. Tape Screws and Bolts on the Back of Furniture
Tape Screws and Bolts on the Back of Furniture
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To keep track of furniture hardware, tape screws, bolts, and other small parts in a Ziploc bag to the piece of furniture they belong to. This tip saves time during reassembly and ensures you won’t lose any essential parts during the move.


15. Create a Moving Binder
Create a Moving Binder
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Organize all your moving-related documents in one binder. Include contracts, receipts, quotes, and a moving checklist. Having all your important documents in one place can be a lifesaver on moving day, ensuring you have easy access to everything you need.


